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How Calmly The Evening

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How Calmly The Evening

How Calmly The Evening

How Calmly the Evening by Sir Edward Elgar is set for Soprano Alto Tenor and Bass Choir. A Capella.

Note Perfect provides everything for the Choir (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass in a single package). Each voice is highlighted individually on piano, with the remaining parts are played on other instruments and organ.

Tracks are :

  • Soprano
  • Alto
  • Tenor
  • Bass
  • All parts played together on piano
  • All parts played together on wind instruments and organ

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To save the MP3 audio example to your device, select the track and click the 3 dots on the player and select 'Download.'

Audio Player with Playlist

  • How Calmly The Evening SAMPLE exerpt...

How calmly the evening once more is descending,
As kind as a promise, as still as a prayer;
O wing of the Lord, in Thy shelter befriending,
May we and our households continue to share.

We come to be soothed with Thy merciful healing;
The dews of the night cure the wounds of the day;
We come, our life's work and its brevity feeling,
With thanks for the past, for the future we pray.

Lord, save us from folly; be with us in sorrow;
Sustain us in work till the time of our rest;
When earth's day is over, may heaven's tomorrow
Dawn on us, of homes long expected possest.

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